legal education and writing

The Bluebook

The Bluebook, formally known as The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation is a style guide that sets forth the most widely used legal citation system in the United States, i. e., how U.S. legal documents are cited in legal memoranda, court...

title (legislation)

In reference to a code:

In reference to a code (such as the United States Code), the word title refers to the broad subject heading under which a law is classified. For example, the United States Code is organized into fifty titles, each title...


A treatise (sometimes termed learned treatise) is an extensive and exhaustive encyclopedia-like book on a specific subject, usually a legal topic; a thorough analysis of a field of law, detailing its principles and rules, and illustrating...

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

A Uniform Resource Locator, or URL is the address of a specific location on the web. As explained by the Computer Security Resource Center, a URL is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a...


Vague means hazy, uncertain, or imprecise. Used in reference to words — especially sentences and paragraphs — that are not clearly expressed. A criminal statute is void for vagueness if it is so vague that it fails to give a person fair notice of what...

vagueness doctrine

1) A constitutional rule that requires criminal laws to state explicitly and definitely what conduct is punishable. Criminal laws that violate this requirement are said to be void for vagueness. Vagueness doctrine rests on the due process clauses of...


Verbatim means to use exactly the same words as another; usually when transcribing, quoting, or recording the original material word for word, such as making a verbatim transcript in a proceeding.

[Last updated in May of 2022 by the...


Warrantless means that government officers carry out a search or arrest without a warrant or any other legal authorization. The requirement of a warrant serves to protect individuals’ privacy interests against unreasonable governmental...


A fictional plot of land often used by legal scholars in discussions of real property law.

See also: blackacre

words of art

Words of art is a reference to terminology with a meaning that is specific to a particular profession, art, science, technology, or other field; or jargon that is only known to those who have a particular occupation.

