legal education and writing


Post can have many meanings in a legal context:

1) To place a notice prominently. For example, a Department of Labor regulation, 29 CFR § 825.300, requires covered employers to “to post and keep posted on its premises, in conspicuous places...

post hoc

Short for “post hoc, ergo propter hoc,” a Latin phrase meaning “after this, therefore because of this.” The phrase expresses the logical fallacy of assuming that one thing caused another merely because the first thing preceded the other. In other words...


Practicable means feasible or capable of being done. The term is commonly used in statutes to indicate when, how, or if something should be done. For example:

In Washington, Rule CrRLJ 3.1 states, “...


Precatory means recommended, expected, or expressing a hope or wish. Precatory expressions are commonly used in wills and trust and are not binding. Examples of precatory words include “wish,” “want,” “desire,” “ask,” “request,” and “should...


Prescriptive refers to the nature of a statement that prescribes or recommends how things ought to be. A prescriptive theory is one that says how people or things should function, as opposed to how they actually do.


primary authority

Primary authority refers to the statements of law that are authoritative and binding, such as statutes, regulations, case law, and constitutions. These statements are created by legislative bodies, courts, and other governmental bodies with...

pro forma

Pro forma is a Latin term meaning made or done as a formality. In securities law, pro forma refers to financial statements that are prepared in advance of a transaction and projects the anticipated results of the transaction. For example,...

pro per

The term “pro per” is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “in propria persona,” meaning “in their own person,” and it refers to a situation where a litigant represents themselves, without a lawyer. Pro per is synonymous with the more commonly...

pro rata

Latin for “in proportion.” The term “pro rata” is used to denote proportional distributions or allocations. In a legal sense, pro rata may refer to a share to be received, an amount to be paid, or liability based on the fractional share of ownership,...

pro se

Pro se is Law Latin that means "for oneself." A litigant proceeds pro se when they choose to represent themselves in court, as opposed to litigating through a lawyer. See, e.g., Rivera v. Florida Department of Corrections, 526 U.S. 135 (1999...
