labor law

wrongful termination

Wrongful termination is a terminated employee's claim that the firing breached an employment contract or some public law.

Where an employment contract requires termination only for cause, a terminated employee can sue for arbitrary discharge....

wrongful termination in violation of public policy

An action for wrongful termination (or discharge) in violation of public policy gives a terminated employee the right to action against their former employer for wrongful termination. Although employment relationships are generally at will,...

yellow dog contract

Yellow dog contracts are agreements between an employer and employee in which, often as a precondition to being hired, the employee agrees not to become a labor union member or act in collaboration with other employees. There are both federal...

Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)

Youngstown Sheet & Tube v. Sawyer, 342 U.S. 579 (1952) was a case in which the U.S. Supreme Court had to decide on the applicability of the President's national security powers on seizing private property. President Truman had ordered the...
