
In formal legal writing, a signal indicating that the cited source clearly supports the preceding statement, even though an inference is required to draw the connection. If the statement repeats an idea directly from the source or quotes the source,...

see also

In formal legal writing, a signal indicating that the cited source provides additional support for the statement after primary supporting sources have already been cited. Thus, see also citations most appropriately follow sources that have been cited...

see generally

A signal indicating that the cited source contains helpful background material. In this way, a reader searching for an overview of the general topic under discussion can know a good place to look.


Segregation is the action of separating people, historically on the basis of race and/or gender. Segregation implies the physical separation of people in everyday activities, in professional life, and in the exercise of civil rights.



A legal concept from early English property law that continues to influence certain concepts in the modern law of real property and is thus helpful and, at times, essential to understanding this area of the law. In brief, the term refers to the...


Self-incrimination is the intentional or unintentional act of providing information that will suggest your involvement in a crime, or expose you to criminal prosecution.

The Fifth Amendment provides protection to individuals...


Self-serving, in a legal context, refers to a statement or answer to a question that serves no purpose and provides no evidence, but only argues or reinforces the legal position of a particular party in a lawsuit. The courts have consistently...

separate but equal

“Separate but equal” refers to the infamously racist decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that allowed the use of segregation laws by states and local governments. The phrase “separate but equal” comes from part of the Court’...


Servant is an antiquated term used to refer to an employee—and not an independent contractor. Employees are distinct from independent contractors in that employees do not retain control over how they do their work. Under the “master-servant”...

settler colonialism

The concept of settler colonialism can be defined as a system of oppression based on genocide and colonialism, that aims to displace a population of a nation (oftentimes indigenous people) and replace it with a new settler population. Settler...
