automated traffic enforcement system

(4) Automated traffic enforcement systems.— (A) Automated traffic enforcement system defined .— In this paragraph, the term “automated traffic enforcement system” means any camera which captures an image of a vehicle for the purposes only of red light and speed enforcement, and does not include hand held radar and other devices operated by law enforcement officers to make an on-the-scene traffic stop, issue a traffic citation, or other enforcement action at the time of the violation. (B) Prohibition .— A State may not expend funds apportioned to that State under this section to carry out a program to purchase, operate, or maintain an automated traffic enforcement system. (C) Special rule for school and work zones .— Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), a State may expend funds apportioned to the State under this section to carry out a program to purchase, operate, or maintain an automated traffic enforcement system in a work zone or school zone. (D) Automated traffic enforcement system guidelines .— An automated traffic enforcement system installed pursuant to subparagraph (C) shall comply with such guidelines applicable to speed enforcement camera systems and red light camera systems as are established by the Secretary.


23 USC § 402(c)(4)

Scoping language

In this paragraph
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