existing Honey Board

(12) Referendum requirement.— (A) Definition of existing honey board .— The term “existing Honey Board” means the Honey Board in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph. (B) Conduct of referenda .— Notwithstanding any other provision of law, subject to subparagraph (C), the order providing for the establishment and operation of the existing Honey Board shall continue in force, until the Secretary first conducts, at the earliest practicable date, but not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this paragraph, referenda on orders to establish a honey packer-importer board or a United States honey producer board. (C) Requirements .— In conducting referenda under subparagraph (B), and in exercising fiduciary responsibilities in any transition to any 1 or more successor boards, the Secretary shall— (i) conduct a referendum of eligible United States honey producers for the establishment of a marketing board solely for United States honey producers; (ii) conduct a referendum of eligible packers, importers, and handlers of honey for the establishment of a marketing board for packers, importers, and handlers of honey; (iii) notwithstanding the timing of the referenda required under clauses (i) and (ii) or of the establishment of any 1 or more successor boards pursuant to those referenda, ensure that the rights and interests of honey producers, importers, packers, and handlers of honey are equitably protected in any disposition of the assets, facilities, intellectual property, and programs of the existing Honey Board and in the transition to any 1 or more new successor marketing boards; (iv) ensure that the existing Honey Board continues in operation until such time as the Secretary determines that— (I) any 1 or more successor boards, if approved, are operational; and (II) the interests of producers, importers, packers, and handlers of honey can be equitably protected during any remaining period in which a referendum on a successor board or the establishment of such a board is pending; and (v) discontinue collection of assessments under the order establishing the existing Honey Board on the date the Secretary requires that collections commence pursuant to an order approved in a referendum by eligible producers or processors and importers of honey. (D) Honey board referendum .— If 1 or more orders are approved pursuant to paragraph (C)— (i) the Secretary shall not be required to conduct a continuation referendum on the order in existence on the date of enactment of this paragraph; and (ii) that order shall be terminated pursuant to the provisions of the order.


7 USC § 4606(c)(12)

Scoping language

None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (chapter 77) of this section.
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