riding gang member

(36) “riding gang member” means an individual who— (A) has not been issued a merchant mariner document under chapter 73; (B) does not perform— (i) watchstanding, automated engine room duty watch, or personnel safety functions; or (ii) cargo handling functions, including any activity relating to the loading or unloading of cargo, the operation of cargo-related equipment (whether or not integral to the vessel), and the handling of mooring lines on the dock when the vessel is made fast or let go; (C) does not serve as part of the crew complement required under section 8101; (D) is not a member of the steward’s department; and (E) is not a citizen or temporary or permanent resident of a country designated by the United States as a sponsor of terrorism or any other country that the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the heads of other appropriate United States agencies, determines to be a security threat to the United States.


46 USC § 2101(36)

Scoping language

None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (chapter 21) of this section.
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