transformational technology

(5) Transformational technology (A) In general The term “transformational technology” means a technology that represents a significant change in the methods used to convert energy that will enable a step change in performance, efficiency, cost of electricity, and reduction of emissions as compared to the technology in existence on December 27, 2020 . (B) Inclusions The term “transformational technology” includes a broad range of potential technology improvements, including— (i) thermodynamic improvements in energy conversion and heat transfer, including— (I) advanced combustion systems, including oxygen combustion systems and chemical looping; and (II) the replacement of steam cycles with supercritical carbon dioxide cycles; (ii) improvements in steam or carbon dioxide turbine technology; (iii) improvements in carbon capture, utilization, and storage systems technology; (iv) improvements in small-scale and modular coal-fired technologies with reduced carbon output or carbon capture that can support incremental power generation capacity additions; (v) fuel cell technologies for low-cost, high-efficiency modular power systems; (vi) advanced gasification systems; (vii) thermal cycling technologies; and (viii) any other technology the Secretary recognizes as transformational technology.


42 USC § 16292(a)(5)

Scoping language

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