eligible household

(3) Eligible household (A) In general The term “eligible household” means a household of 1 or more individuals who are obligated to pay rent on a residential dwelling and with respect to which the eligible grantee involved determines— (i) that 1 or more individuals within the household has (I) qualified for unemployment benefits or (II) experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID–19) outbreak, which the applicant shall attest in writing; (ii) that 1 or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, which may include— (I) a past due utility or rent notice or eviction notice; (II) unsafe or unhealthy living conditions; or (III) any other evidence of such risk, as determined by the eligible grantee involved; and (iii) the household has a household income that is not more than 80 percent of the area median income for the household. (B) Exception To the extent feasible, an eligible grantee shall ensure that any rental assistance provided to an eligible household pursuant to funds made available under this section is not duplicative of any other Federally funded rental assistance provided to such household. (C) Income determination (i) In determining the income of a household for purposes of determining such household’s eligibility for assistance from a payment made under this section (including for purposes of subsection (c)(4)), the eligible grantee involved shall consider either (I) the household’s total income for calendar year 2020, or (II) subject to clause (ii), sufficient confirmation, as determined by the Secretary, of the household’s monthly income at the time of application for such assistance. (ii) In the case of income determined under subclause (II), the eligible grantee shall be required to re-determine the eligibility of a household’s income after each such period of 3 months for which the household receives assistance from a payment made under this section.


15 USC § 9058a(k)(3)

Scoping language

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