33 CFR Appendix List of FPC Standard Articles Forms Used in Permits and Licenses - List of FPC Standard Articles Forms Used in Permits and Licenses for Hydroelectric Projects

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List of FPC Standard Articles Forms Used in Permits and Licenses for Hydroelectric Projects

The following FPC standard articles Forms, in addition to the standard Forms L-3, and L-4 which are provided in this appendix, are available from the FPC offices:

FPC Forms 1 Title
P-1 Terms and conditions of preliminary permit.
L-1 Terms and conditions of license for constructed major project affecting lands of the United States.
L-2 Terms and conditions of license for unconstructed major project affecting lands of the United States.
L-5 Terms and conditions of license for constructed major projects affecting navigable waters and lands of the United States.
L-6 Terms and conditions of license for unconstructed major project affecting navigable waters and lands of the United States.
L-9 Terms and conditions of license for constructed minor projects affecting navigable waters of the United States.
L-10 Terms and conditions of license for constructed major project affecting the interests of interstate or foreign commerce.
L-11 Terms and conditions of license for unconstructed major project affecting the interests of interstate or foreign commerce.
L-14 Terms and conditions of license for unconstructed minor project affecting navigable waters of the United States.
L-15 Terms and conditions of license for unconstructed minor project affecting the interests of interstate or foreign commerce.
L-16 Terms and conditions of license for constructed minor project affecting lands of the United States.
L-17 Terms and conditions of license for unconstructed minor project affecting lands of the United States.
L-18 Terms and conditions of license for constructed minor project affecting navigable waters and lands of the United States.
L-19 Terms and conditions of license for unconstructed minor project affecting navigable waters and lands of the United States.

1 Revised Oct. 1975.